This is Volume 29 of PoolSynergy, a monthly collection of the best writing on pool.

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Gary Frerking – Gary’s going with the “many small tips” approach. He spent some time thinking back through the last few years of playing and came up with a handful of “ah ha” moments… where something obviously made sense, but maybe wasn’t so obvious before he thought about it or before someone mentioned it to him.

Mike Fieldhammer – The Eyebrow Tip, and More Mike’s been fighting a medical problem with his bridge hand, but he wrote up a great tip and provided links to the many other tips he’s included on his blog over the years.

Kevin Hunhoff – Tournament Tips Over at his blog Prairie Pool Player, Kevin has a post with 5 excellent tips to help you maximize your tournament performance. Kevin’s a 2nd time PoolSynergy contributor, but he’s no novice at tournaments or giving good advice about doing well in them. Check out his piece and give the rest of his blog a look see while you’re there.

John Biddle – Straight Pool Tips John offers up 9 tips having to do with Straight Pool, 3 on equipment, 3 on playing the game and 3 on practice.